Beam Me Up, Codey! Serialization and Deserialization: The Star Trek Transporters of Integrations


As a Salesforce Certified Technical Architect and Instructor, I’m excited to share insights on serialization and deserialization, the Star Trek transporter of integrations. This process is crucial for transporting data between different processes, such as from Salesforce to Azure.

Understanding Serialization & Deserialization

Serialization and deserialization are mechanisms used to transport data from one process to another. For instance, when Salesforce (the client) needs to send data to Azure (the server), it serializes the data into a stream. This serialized data, which can be in XML, JSON, fixed structure, or binary format, is then sent across the internet to Azure. Upon receiving, Azure deserializes the data into structures it recognizes for further processing. Any response from the server undergoes the same process in reverse.

Serialization Formats

Fixed Length Format

In legacy systems, fixed-length formats were common. This format is fast but inflexible, as you cannot change field lengths or add fields without redesigning the format. Fixed-length formats are rarely used in modern data exchange.


XML has been an industry standard for a while due to its expandable definition. It allows for compatibility between systems with different format versions. However, XML can be bulky and sometimes requires loading the entire document into memory for parsing.


JSON is becoming the new industry standard due to its lightweight and compact structure. Like XML, JSON allows for expandable data definitions and is being adopted by most new systems. It offers a smaller and lighter payload, making it a preferred choice for many developers.

Conclusion: Choosing the Right Format

Serialization and deserialization are essential for moving data between systems in a mutually understood format. While the server typically decides the format, the client must conform to this decision. With various formats available, including the legacy fixed-length, XML, and the increasingly popular JSON, understanding the benefits and limitations of each is crucial. In upcoming discussions, we'll delve deeper into JSON, exploring both fixed and variable JSON to keep up with industry trends.

Stay Tuned

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